New Updated Fixed

Hi JPSeditor users!

In the version 0.8.7 of JPSeditor, we added lots of exciting features to make JPSeditor more productive.

Layers controlling - Now in JPSeditor, it will detect the high of rooms automatically, the show informations on the layer window. You can hide, or show the specifical layers.

Backuping lines - For a long time, if you haven’t defined rooms and JPSeditor crashed, you will lose erverything. Now the auto saving will backup the undefined lines.

Line snapping options - There is a windows to switching snapping options. And more powful is, you can snap any point on a seleted line.

Warning for Hline Waring fow Hline will remind you only once ,when there are servals Hline which are not correct.

Show operations message on statusBar - Status bar will show more infotmations of operations

Redesign Inifile widget Layout - New Inifile widget is more suitable for infile generating workflow.

Fix shortcut - Fixed shortcut.

Fix shortcut - Fixed error by inputing coordinates.

Fix shortcut - Fixed segmentation fault when opening empty rooms.

If you have questions about JPSeditor, please contact