To use JPSreport there are three steps to follow:

1. Get the code

Git-clone the code from the GitHub repository

 git clone

Or download a compressed file


2. Check the requirements

Before you get started please check if all requirements are fulfilled

 cd jpsreport
 mkdir build && cd build
 cmake ..

In case a package is missing, CMake will report an error.

3. Compile the code

If the two first steps succeed then you can proceed with the compilation

 make -j2

4. Run JPSreport

If the compilation succeeded a binary will be produced in the direction path/to/jpsreport/bin.

Run JPSreport using one of the ini files in the demo directory.

For example in a terminal run the following:

 ./bin/jpsreport inifile.xml

Using an IDE

  • CLion (Windows, Linux, Mac)

    CLion has build in CMake-support so you only have to start a new project an set the project root to your jpscore directory. Check this tutorial

  • Visual Studio 2013 (v0.6+, Windows)

    Run the CMake-gui with the generator Visual Studio 12 (2013) and click on the *.sln file to open it in Visual Studio.

    Then click on build->build solution. This should build your code.

    Current issues are known with the python test cases. Most of them are Unix specific. However the compilation of jpscore works fine.

  • XCode (v0.6+ Mac)

    Run the CMake-gui and generate an XCode-Project then open it with XCode.